Originally adopted by
the JARC Membership
October 24, 1995
Amended and adopted
October 8, 2024
of the
We, the undersigned, wishing to secure for ourselves the pleasures and benefits of
the association of persons commonly interested in amateur radio, constitute
ourselves the Joplin Amateur Radio Club and enact this constitution as our
governing law. It shall be our purpose to further the exchange of information and
cooperation between members, to promote radio knowledge, fraternalism and
individual operating efficiency, and to so conduct club programs and activities to
educate, promote, and advance the general interest and welfare of amateur radio in
the community.
Article I
All persons interested in amateur radio communication between amateur stations solely with a
personal aim and without pecuniary interest, shall be eligible for membership. Categories of
membership shall be further defined in the bylaws.
It shall be the purpose of The Joplin Amateur Radio Club to:
- Further the exchange of information concerning all facets of amateur radio.
- Promote friendship and cooperation among members.
- Increase member’s knowledge, proficiency, and individual operating ability
in all aspects of amateur radio.
It shall be the objective of the JARC to:
- Conduct club programs and activities which will foster the general interest
in, and welfare of amateur radio in the community. - Provide emergency and public service radio communications to the
community, as allowed by FCC rules and as approved by the membership,
or by the officers acting as a committee. - Provide a formal, as well as, an informal forum through which those
interested in amateur radio, as well as amateur radio operators, may
interface with others of similar special interest. The club newsletter, the
JARC PRINTED CIRCUIT_, will be a forum to facilitate this provision of the
constitution. A formal mission statement may be adopted by majority vote
at any regular meeting.
The governing body of the JARC shall be called the Executive Committee and shall
be composed of: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The President
may designate the Activities Manager and the Program Manager as part of the
executive committee, at his/her pleasure.
The officers of this club shall be elected for a term on one year by ballot of the
members present, provided there be a quorum, at the last meeting in November.
The term of office shall run from January 1st of one year and ending on December
31st of the same year. Officers shall continue in term until replaced by their
During the last regular business meeting in October, the president shall appoint a
Nomination/Election Committee chairman (not an incumbent official). The
committee may consist of more than one person.
It will independently obtain and present a slate of candidates for the various offices
at the last regular business meeting in November. The chairman will be
responsible for handling nominations and administering the balloting process.
Nominations will be opened to the floor. Provided there is a quorum present, the
club will proceed with elections (by written ballot). The results will be immediately
tabulated by the committee.
Any elected official must win by simple majority. If this criteria is not realized, the
lowest ballot counts shall be eliminated and any ties shall be resolved by another
immediate vote. Voting shall continue in this manner until a simple majority is
In the event of insufficient assemblage, a special election may be called at earliest
convenience by the president before the beginning of the next calendar year.
A voting member may submit a mailed (absentee) ballot to the current club mailing
address or email address. All absentee ballots must be received by the election date.
Any vacancy which occurs during the year must be filled by a special election at the
first regular meeting following the withdrawal or resignation.
Officers may be removed by a three fourth vote of the membership.
3.1.1 President
The President shall be the presiding officer and it shall be his duty to preside as
chairman at all meetings of this club, and to conduct the same according to the rules
adopted herein. He/She shall enforce due observance of this constitution and
bylaws; make appointments to all committees both special and standing; to appoint
all committees not otherwise provided for in these bylaws; to serve as ex-office
member of all committees; to decide questions of order and parliamentary inquiry,
and at his option, to appoint a parliamentarian when qualified individuals are
within the club membership, to assist in this endeavor; to sign all official documents
and resolutions that are adopted by the club, and none other; to speak on behalf of
the club when so appropriate; and perform all other customary duties pertaining to
the office of President.
3.1.2 Vice-President
The Vice-President shall perform the official duties of the President in the event of
the President’s absence, or inability to perform his/her duties. In the event of a
vacancy in the office of the President, the Vice-President shall assume his/her duties
until such time as a replacement can be elected at the next regular meeting. The
Vice-President may also be appointed by the President to serve as chairperson of
select committees, and to perform such other duties as may be delegated to him/her
by the President and/or the Executive Committee.
3.1.3 Secretary
The Secretary shall keep true and accurate minutes of all meetings, and prepare
and distribute minutes of these meetings as directed by the President and/or the
Executive Committee or to submit these minutes at the next regular meeting. A
vote of approval of the minutes is optional. The President may simply call for any
additions, clarifications, or corrections from the floor, and if none are heard, may
proclaim the minutes approved without formal vote. The Secretary shall also keep
the official membership roll for the club; submit applications for memberships to the
club for approval or disapproval; respond to any correspondence regarding the club
and to read such communications at each meeting. He or she shall at the expiration
of their term, turn over all official club records and paraphernalia belonging to the
club to their successor. He or she shall also compile and disperse information of
general interest, to The Club newsletter editor, for inclusion in the JARC PRINTED_
CIRCUIT, the club newsletter.
3.1.4 Treasurer
The Treasurer shall receive, disburse, and account for all moneys received by the
club; and shall make such reports of finances and any other such reports as may be
designated by the Executive Committee. He/She shall pay no bills without proper
authorization (by the club, or its officers acting as a business committee).
Reimbursements may be provided to club officers or designated other members,
such as Net Controllers, Newsline Providers, etc., for actual expenses incurred in
administration of club business; including but not limited to postage; envelopes;
telephone calls and shall be considered a routine club expenditure if $25.00 or less,
and need not be specifically voted upon by the club as a whole for approval.
At the expiration of term, an itemized statement of receipts and disbursements
shall be presented and all records and other club property (if any) shall be
relinquished to the treasurer-elect.
The Bylaws shall provide for regular and special meetings. At meetings, a
minimum of ten percent of the membership shall constitute a quorum for the
transaction of business.
5.1 DUES
The club, by majority vote of those present at any regular meeting, may levy upon
the general membership such dues as shall be deemed necessary for the business of
the organization within its purposes and objectives as set forth in the preamble to
this constitution, or any subsequently approved Statement of Mission. Payment of
dues shall be a condition of membership.
This club shall, as far as possible, make efforts to minimize interference in
operation between stations of its members. Further, such efforts shall be made for
the disposition of any cases of interference, to or from, other radio services in the
area of JARC influence. The JARC, through committee actions, will provide
technical advice to members concerning good engineering and amateur practice.
This constitution or the Bylaws may be amended by a two thirds vote of the total
membership. Proposals for amendments shall be submitted in writing at a regular
meeting to the secretary for typing, copying, and distribution in preparation for a
vote at the next following regular meeting. (Actions to amend the constitution or
bylaws would, of course, be subject to usual motions/parliamentary actions thereon.)
Robert’s Rules of Order, as revised, shall govern JARC club meetings (and meetings
of the Executive Committee if necessary).
In the event of a dissolution, the residual assets of the organization will be turned
over to one or more organizations which themselves are exempt as organizations
described in Sections 501 (c) (4) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, or
corresponding Sections of any prior or future Law or to the Federal, State or Local
Government for exclusive public purposes.
It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep the constitution and Bylaws of the Club
and have these documents at every meeting. They shall cause all amendments,
changes and additions to be noted thereon and shall permit the same to be
consulted by members upon request.
By application, as approved by the Executive Committee, Membership in the JARC shall be of four
categories: Full membership, Family membership, Student membership, and Associate
membership. All persons interested in amateur radio communications and the related fields, with a
personal aim only, and without a pecuniary interest, shall be eligible for one of these categories of
10.2.1 Full membership
Full membership is open to any person holding any grade of a valid amateur radio license who
qualifies as defined. Full club membership includes all club privileges as well as the right to
hold an office in it’s governing body; voting privileges and the right to head any of the
standing or special purpose committees listed elsewhere. Evidence of FCC Licensing may be
requested as a prerequisite to full membership.
10.2.2 Family Membership
Any members of a family who are licensed amateur radio operators and that reside within one
household shall have FULL membership privileges as described. Other members of the family
(above the age of six) that reside within the household shall be considered Associate members.
10.2.3 Student Membership
Any person who is a licensed amateur and attending an educational institution, but does not meet
the qualifications under the Family membership, shall have FULL membership privileges as
10.2.4 Associate Membership
Associate membership is open to all others who have an interest in amateur radio and the related
fields, but do not possess an amateur radio license. An associate member shall have full club
privileges with the exception of voting for, or holding office in, the governing body. An associate
member may not head any standing or special committee, but is eligible to serve on any
committee(s). In exigent circumstances, the executive committee may waive the former
requirements due to necessity.
10.3.1 Regular Meetings
At such a time of day and place as the President shall designate, regular meetings
shall be held on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each calendar month, unless the
Executive Committee or club adopts another schedule-such as with summer
months.2 Meetings may be rescheduled; modified as to frequency; reset; or
otherwise changed, without the necessity of a constitutional amendment to do so.
(Meetings could be modified to “once monthly”, as an example; upon a simple
majority vote of the membership at any regular meeting.) The place for the meeting
and time(s) shall be as the President shall order.
10.3.2 Special Meetings
Special meetings may be called by the President, or upon the written request of any
five club members. The membership shall be notified by announcement, postcard,
email or otherwise, of the location and time of the special meeting and of the
business to be transacted. Only such business as is designated in this notification
shall be transacted.
10.4 DUES
An annual fee shall be levied upon the membership in accordance with the provisions of Article 5
of the Constitution for the purpose of providing operating funds for ordinary club expenses. Dues
shall be classified based by membership type.
The term of membership shall be one year, renewable on the member’s anniversary date. No prorata
reduction of annual dues shall be taken. Any change of dues will not take effect until the
following anniversary date of that member.
The membership fees shall be reviewed by the EXECUTIVE committee annually. Any
recommendations for fee adjustments shall be presented to the membership for approval.
Regardless, STUDENT Membership dues shall be set at 50% of FULL membership dues.
STANDING COMMITTEES are those that are long term, for a specific purpose.
- Activities Committee Headed by an Activities Manager. The Activities
Manager shall organize club member activities, plan and recommend
contests for operating benefit, and advance club interests and activity as
approved by the club. He shall encourage new stations in reporting
activities to the club (bulletin) and to the elected Section Communications
Manager of the ARRL; all these things to make the reputation of the club
and amateur radio activities in the community as outstanding as possible.
He/She may appoint traffic committees or assistants to aid him in specific
branches of activity. - Emergency Communications Coordinator (EC) is an ARRL appointed
position, but as far as a club position, would serve at the club’s pleasure.
The EC shall maintain close liaison with the ARRL Emergency Coordinator
or SEC to further club participation in the Amateur Radio Public Service
Corps. The EC should also set training sessions and nets as suggested by
the Amateur Radio Emergency Service and follow guidelines set by the
ARRL for such positions. - QRM Committee shall be a considered a child of the Technical Committee
for the express purpose of interference detection and elimination. Selected
members of both committees shall have authorization and knowledge to
eliminate malicious interference in an effort to comply with FCC
regulations (e.g. power down any club equipment).
– The QRM Committee shall have a budget approved by vote at the
first regular meeting in February, renewable yearly or by
extenuating circumstance.
– The QRM Committee shall be chaired by the vice president, who
shall appoint a minimum of 5 members.
– The committee shall be responsible for directing investigation,
inviting proper inquires, establishing technical facts and testimony
within its province, and reporting its results to the club. - Club Historian shall be appointed by the president and responsible for
gathering data and artifacts to preserve the history and integrity of the
club. The term of the appointment shall be one year, however, the club
historian may be reappointed by successive presidents for as long as he or
she wishes to serve. - Net Coordinator shall be responsible for scheduling net control
operations for all club sponsored nets, addressing net oriented
concerns/criticisms and promoting good amateur practice through
organization and training. This position shall be appointed by the
president for a term of one year.
Other standing committees subject to being appointed by the President as part of
his/her defined duties, as needed:
- Technical Committee headed by the Technical Adviser, who shall make
themselves available for any correspondence, consultation or advice of a
technical nature. - HamFest Committee
- Operating Committee with subcommittees when indicated; such as
special interest groups:
– HF Operations Committee
– Image Transmissions/ATV Committee
– Data Transmissions (all varieties, including PACKET)
– Contesting/DX - Newsletter Committee provides oversight and definition of club
newsletter, the JARC PRINTED CIRCUIT_. The President shall be an exofficio
member of this committee; and shall establish guidelines and
procedures for publication and editorial aspects thereof. The newsletter
editor shall work closely with the executive committee to see that the
newsletter is meeting its intent as a club forum. (See Article 1.2.2) - Public Relations Committee to maintain a program to foster and guide public
relations. The club will seek input from the ARRL and other authorities in
establishing a public relations effort, as the Executive Committee will suggest.
The President and/or the Secretary may serve as ex-officio members of this
committee, at their discretion. The committee shall meet to establish goals and
report on a regular basis as to their ongoing projects.