HamClubOnline (HCOL) is a valuable tool for managing ham radio club memberships, elections, and communications. If you’re signing in for the first time, follow these simple steps to get started.

Step 1: Visit the HamClubOnline Website

Open your web browser and go to https://www.hamclubonline.com.

Step 2: Click on “Sign In”

At the top-right corner of the homepage, click the “Sign In” button.

Step 3: Enter Your Callsign

In the Callsign field, type your FCC-issued amateur radio callsign (e.g., N0YH) and click “Continue”.

Step 4: Set Up Your Password (First-Time Users)

If this is your first time logging in:

  • Click “First time signing in? Set/reset your password”.
  • Enter your callsign and click “Submit”.

Step 5: Check Your Email

HamClubOnline will send a password reset link to the email address associated with your callsign. If you don’t see it, check your spam/junk folder.

Step 6: Create a New Password

  • Click the link in your email.
  • Enter a secure password and confirm it.
  • Click “Save”.

Step 7: Sign In to Your Account

  • Return to the Sign In page.
  • Enter your callsign and the newly created password.
  • Click “Sign In”.

Step 8: Verify Your Membership (If Required)

If you’re joining a club for the first time, you may need to request membership or confirm your profile. Some clubs require approval from an administrator before full access is granted.

Troubleshooting Tips

  • Didn’t receive the email? Check your spam/junk folder.
  • Wrong email on file? Contact HamClubOnline support or your club administrator for assistance.
  • Forgot your password? Use the “Set/reset your password” link on the sign-in page to reset it.

By following these steps, you’ll be successfully logged into HamClubOnline and ready to participate in club activities!

If you need further assistance, feel free to ask your club officers or visit HamClubOnline’s support page. 73!

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