There is a community growing rapidly in the Joplin area with a common goal in mind…..create an area-wide, off grid, cell phone network using Meshtastic nodes.

For those new to meshtastic, this simple newcomer to the radio world offers uses the ability to send SMS based messages by cell phone to other users on the network (which is expanding rapidly). The biggest benefit is no cellular coverage is needed! Using the proprietary app, users create a connection to a node which allows them access to any other devices within the area that are active. The node is a radio transmitter that connects to the phone using Bluetooth or Wi-Fi connections and then transmits digital packets to all other nodes in

Typical Mesh Network – Meshtastic©

the are using sections of the 900Mhz band. These frequencies are free to use in the United States and require no user license. You heard that correct! NO LICENCSE NEEDED!!!! The frequencies are shared with the popular IoT (Internet of Things) network, but so far I have found interference to not be a problem. Devices are cost effective, small, and completely customizable.

Information about the Meshtastic network can be found on their website here.


Node Packages and Kits:
RAKWireless Starter Kit
ESP32 BareBones Kit (No Case)
LilyGo T-Board



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