JARC Website is currently experiencing LOGIN problems. Please be patient while this issue is resolved. This may take a week or two. Thank you for your patience. (16 Jan 2025)
(Most recent changes noted in red lettering.)
Navigating a website efficiently can make all the difference between a frustrating experience and a productive one. Joplin ARC, with its wealth of resources and information, is no exception. Whether you’re a first-time visitor or a frequent user, these hints will help you make the most of your time on the site.
1. Homepage Overview
The homepage of Joplin ARC is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of what the site offers. Key sections include:
- Home: Returns you to the Home page.
- About Our Club: Access information about Club News, FCC Testing, JARC Meetings, Club History, and more. (Added ARES News and Info page.)
- Club Stores: Buy club merchandise, check your purchase cart, or go to the Buy/Sell/Trade website.
- Club Events: Stay updated with the latest news and events.
- Repeaters / Nets / Clubs: Get information and locations of local repeater systems in the area. (Added local nets and local clubs info.)
- Joplin Hamfest: A link to the latest and greatest information about the next Joplin ARC Hamfest. (This will be hidden in the near future till the next Hamfest.)
- Contact Us: Names and emails of all the club officers, Trustee, and webmaster. Any questions you may have can be asked here. Give us 48 hours to respond please.
Spend a few moments familiarizing yourself with these sections to get a sense of where everything is.
2. Use the Search Icon
Located prominently at the top, right side of the page, the search icon is your best friend. Whether you’re looking for specific information or just browsing, entering keywords here can save you time. For best results, use specific terms and take advantage of any filtering options available. The icon resembles a small handheld magnifying glass.
3. Use the “Hamburger” Icon
The yellow icon just to the right of the Search Icon, with three horizontal bars, found near the top right of the Home page, contains additional Menus:
- Ham Club Online: Will take you to the HamClubOnline website (HCOL) for managing your account or other club functions necessary as a member or an officer. All JARC members have free access. If it’s your first time logging in use ‘FORGOT PASSWORD’ to create a new one. Future club elections, announcements, and notices will be coming from HamClubOnline. (If you need help creating an account contact this webmaster for assistance.)
- JARC Buy/Sell/Trade: Visit the new FREE Joplin Club Buy/Sell/Trade site. Find that missing item or sell an unused one. 100% free courtesy of the club. You WILL need to login to use it. (If you have already logged into the JARC website, then you are already logged into the B/S/T site, and Vice-Versa. Logins carry over automatically.) You will need admin approval and I’ll try to be quick about it. Email me if I’m not.
- JARC Site Login: You can login to the JARC website if you have an account. (This will also be your login credentials for the Buy/Sell/Trade site also, or you can login to the B/S/T site on that page as well.)
- Band Conditions: Current live band conditions are displayed here in real time.
4. Bookmark Important Pages
If you find yourself returning to specific pages frequently, consider bookmarking them in your browser. This will allow you to access them quickly without navigating through the site each time.
5. Sign Up for Newsletters
Many websites offer newsletters to keep you informed about the latest updates. Look for future links to add yourself to the club’s Group.IO and Facebook page quickly and easily. This way, you’ll receive the latest news directly in your inbox, ensuring you don’t miss out on important information.
6. Other Hidden Features 
- No matter where you are on the website, clicking the JARC icon at the top of the screen will return you to the homepage. (As shown here –>) This link will work on the JARC and B/S/T sites.
- On the top right of the page, next to the Search Icon, you will see three horizontal lines. Clicking your mouse there will bring up a Solar Terrestrial Data sheet. This information is real time news of current band conditions. By clicking the X that just replaced the horizontal lines, you will return you to the main page.
- If you click on the diagram containing the current band conditions, it will take you to a more detailed website with an in-depth solar forecast.
- On the Local Repeater list, you will see the word STATUS at the end of each station. That link will take you directly to the Repeaterbook page for that specific repeater so you can check its status and any other pertinent information.
- All words in dark blue, bold, and underlined are links to another page discussing the subject in greater detail. It will look like This.
7. The Buy/Sell/Trade Website
- You must login to use this site beyond its basic welcome page. To see all the categories, and to use the site, you must login. If you have logged into JARC you will automatically be logged into B/S/T. It is possible to login to B/S/T as a standalone site using your JARC credentials. You can find the “Log In” at the top right corner.
- Once logged in you will see the Menu Options for Posting Your Ad, the Rules & Regulations of the site, JARC Main Site, and Account.
- On the left you will see the selection of categories you can view for items of interest.
- Please read the Rules & Regulations before posting. All posts are approved immediately but subject to Admin review.
Efficient navigation is key to making the most out of your visit to the new Joplin Website. By familiarizing yourself with the homepage, utilizing the search icon, exploring the main menu, and taking advantage of other navigation aids, you can enhance your experience and easily find the information you need. Happy browsing!
(NOTE: Some features may not be available on mobile devices and phones. Use a Laptop or Desktop for best results.)